Just – Arnica, Devil’s Claw Cream 100 ml

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Arnica Devil’s Claw Incense Cream Gel – for movement pleasure

The Arnica Devil’s Claw Incense cream-gel is beneficial for the care of your entire musculoskeletal system and restores your enjoyment of movement.

  • Supports regeneration
  • Increases skin circulation
  • Helps you relax in case of physical overuse
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Product: This JUST cream gel soothes and relaxes in a variety of unpleasant conditions caused by physical overuse. The highly effective plant trio of arnica, devil’s claw, and frankincense aids in the regeneration of overworked body parts like the back, hips, knee and ankle, elbows, and shoulders. Their mobility is preserved, and their skin circulation is increased. They feel more liberated and dynamic. As a result, you quickly feel fitter, more comfortable, and more agile. Arnica cream has a wide and powerful impact on your entire musculoskeletal system. It regenerates the skin and muscles while also increasing blood circulation. The pronounced conditioning effect, when combined with massage, helps support therapy for arthritis, rheumatic conditions, spinal pain, tendinitis, joint capsule inflammation, and muscle pain.

Application: As needed, several times per day to desired body areas such as the back, shoulders, neck, knees, hips, elbows, and so on. Gently massage in.

Extracts of arnica, devil’s claw, frankincense, incense oil, glycerin, almond oil.


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